Capture Your Ideas on Sticky Notes

I saw these mega sticky notes last weekend, in a gift store in Santa Monica … and forgot about them until I saw them again today in

They reminded me of when I was doing a large and complex writing project … and got weighed down by all my notes and scribbles … finding that working just on MicroSoft Word, going from screen to screen, wasn’t allowing me to get an overall feel or direction for what I was doing.

So, I went to my good friend, Linda Feinholz, who is also a “visual” person, and she had me write each basic idea or category for my project on a PostIt note. Then she attached all of them to her wall, so we could start to move them around and organize them into a system that made sense. Until then, I hadn’t thought about that..

I suggest trying this if you’re a writer, a songwriter (move those verses around), or to organize any project. (I’ve always used them on my wall calendar, so that if a deadline needs to be moved, it’s easy.)

Put the basic plan on the wall, closet door, or your largest mirror — so you can get an overall picture. Things pop up that you hadn’t noticed before. And gaps make themselves apparent too.

And to think we can now buy these large notes at … priceless.


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