HAPPY NEW YEAR! It’s that time again…
John and I will return to one of our favorite events…
The 12th Annual Arizona Songwriters Gathering in Encanto Park (Phoenix, Arizona). Saturday, January 19th, 2008! For directions, click Map.
A co-production of the Arizona Songwriters Association (in existence for 25+ years!) and the Phoenix Parks & Recreation Department, it’s a FREE all-day event for songwriters and musicians, amateurs to pros, with informative classes, workshops plus opportunities to perform your songs ‘live.’
About 200 songwriters ‘gather’ to spend the day at this beautiful park and clubhouse, with several classrooms, on the edge of the lake, (photo above), meeting there with music industry professionals, networking, visiting, and listening to each other’s songs.
Photo above — songwriters getting their songs critiqued by John Braheny and Alan Roy Scott.
Bring your guitar, bring a lunch (although food is available to purchase), and enjoy!
While in Phoenix, John Braheny will offer private consultations (and song critiques, bring CDs with lyric sheets) for songwriters on Sunday, January 20th. To schedule an hour-long session, email: john@johnbraheny.com.
Look forward to seeing you there!