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Enchanted Mind – Creativity Test

Some people love IQ Tests and performance quizzes. They find them useful to answer such questions as, “Am I creative?” or “How creative am I?” Personally, I like tests more for what I can learn by taking them, but I don’t advise setting your clock by them.

But if you are one of those people with a burning curiosity (and a true sense of play) you’ll enjoy this fun (and quick) Creativity Test on this truly interesting site, EnchantedMind.com, loaded with puzzles and explanations about why they’re good exercises for your “creativity” muscles.



WetCanvas.com – for Artists

I once took an evening art class at Walt Disney Imagineering provided by concept consultant and pro artist, Ron Pekar, where we explored various art forms and techniques. It had been a long time since I’d touched any art supplies, and it was in this class I fell in love with watercolors.

I admit I don’t take as much time as I’d like these days to play around with paints, but when I see a site like this one, I get inspired all over again. WetCanvas.com is a resource worth bookmarking …

Also check out their excellent article (with illustrations) by Arnold Lowrey called The Control of Water in Watercolour.

Thanks to Douglas Welch for pointing out this superb site.


Danny Gregrory’s illustrations and writing

I’ve featured Danny Gregory’s blog before, Everyday Matters, (and no, I don’t know him), but I think he does such a good job illustrating his writing — or writing about his sketches and watercolors — that I just had to bring this site back to your attention.

Everyday Matters is a series of occasional essays on creative things, journal making, drawing, etc. intended to challenge, inspire and perplex. –Danny



Quick Game for Your Right/Left Brain

Take a moment to play this little Twinoo Game which is a quick and fun exercise to stimulate the right and left brain hemispheres.

You can try to solve only the left brain exercises (simple arithmetic problems) or you can focus on the right brain exercises, blending colors … or you can try to handle them both, and see how quickly you can go back and forth. I’m sure the more you do these, the faster you’ll get. (Either that, or get a splitting headache!)

If you want to delve deeper, I’ve found an excellent article by photographer, Michael Fulks, from ApogeePhoto.com, called Does Your Left Brain Know What Your Right Brain Is Doing?



Pigments – For Artists

Ever wonder, when you dip your brush into one of those smooth, creamy colors, just what did painters do before art shops made these gems so easily available?

“They are ground colored material. Early pigments were simply as ground earth or clay, and were made into paint with spit or fat. Modern pigments are often sophisticated masterpieces of chemical engineering….this exhibit includes most important pigments used through the early 20th century.” From the site: WebExhibits.org.

And while we’re at it, one of my all-time favorite places from which to order fabulous art supplies is Daniel Smith.

Luxuriate …


MakeZine.com: Current Issue

I was going to point out a good article for you from this new magazine, but I just couldn’t make up my mind which one. It’s a bit more for tech-heads, but good ideas come from everywhere.

“The first magazine devoted to digital projects, hardware hacks, and D.I.Y. (do it yourself) inspiration …”

MakeZine.com: Current Issue


MUPPETS – Flying Gonzo Stunt Game

Just like you, every now and then someone will send me a game. Later, I realize why they sent it to me.

You’ll do well with this one, for example, if you can continue to imagine a distance or measurement and keep it in mind as you play. I make it sound more complicated than it is. But it proves to be a unusual mental exercise and fun too.

Muppets – Fying Gonzo Stunt Game.

Thanks to John Gabree for sending this along.


Songwriter/Performers – Women Only

In the early days of LASS (Los Angeles Songwriters Showcase — no longer around), I was puzzled by the fact that only about 1/4 of the writer/artists who auditioned were women.

We thought, maybe it was just because women weren’t as aggressive as men about promoting themselves and subjecting themselves to the rejection process in getting their songs heard by the music industry. We didn’t doubt for a minute though that there were as many women as men who were being musically and lyrically creative.

Today, the Internet has provided options for women to network and they have created and joined organizations for women songwriter/performers that offer moral and business support from other women. This may have been what was missing ‘back in the day.’ Here are some examples:

Informative articles, especially for women in the music business …
Rockrgrl magazine – “Supporting a Woman’s Right to Rock.”
Publisher/editor is Carla DeSantis in Seattle.

GoGirlsMusic, is an old hand at “Promoting Women in Music.” Madalyn Sklar started the organization in 1996 with a vision of bringing together independent women musicians from around the country. A welcome destination for women in music through networking and events.

Mamapalooza. “The Festival for Moms Who Rock!” I heard about this event on Nat’l Public Radio as they interviewed one of the bands on the air, “Housewives on Prozac” … so I HAD to look them up. Events are held in several U.S. cities.

Indiegrrl.com, “For Women in the Independent Music Industry.”
All genres of music. Indiegrrl was founded by Holly Figueroa in May of 1998 as a forum for information, networking, and conversation about independent music from a female perspective. They have about 1,300 members internationally.

Women in Music National Network promotes the development, advancement and recognition of women in the music industry.   Committed to helping you build a successful career in the music industry by providing you with services to take your career to the next level.  Our world-wide exposure offers you a network to many contacts and resources.

Register now for Song and Word 3-day retreats for women writers and songwriters. Maggie Savage and Sharon Wootton generously share their glorious scenery and home (with hot tub and grand piano, but not in the same room!) on Shaw Island — in the San Juan Islands, off the Coast of Washington. UPCOMING EVENT: April 29, 30 – May 1st, 2005 — GOOSING YOUR SONG MUSE Songwriting Retreat. Registration: 10 women only (due to limited facilities). Presentations on the Craft and Business of Songwriting, Co-Writing Tools, Creativity Exercises, and much more in a relaxing Pacific Northwest setting.


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