Naomi Seldin wrote a funny article we all can relate to:
20 Sure-Fire Ways to Create Clutter.
I post this because we are entering the season of Spring Cleaning!
(And see below, the ‘good clutter’ info about Bill’s Records, will tug at your creativity sleeve as well…)
My husband and I (mentioned before) cleaned out — down-sized severely — our many years of ‘stuff’ in our garage a couple years ago. What a geological dig, unearthing layers of our lives. Why did we ever keep all that? Our excuse was we are too busy to sort/toss as we go. Sounds good, eh?
Did we change behavior? Oh, yes! Now we buy fewer books, but we still read them, plus mags, newspapers at the library or online. Did you know that John Braheny’s book, The Craft and Business of Songwriting, is available as a down-loadable PDF? Be sure you get the 3rd edition…
I don’t buy ‘quantity’ any more, so I don’t have to store things in every corner. I do keep soaps & shampoos from hotels… but we use them! OK, enough personal details… enjoy the Create Clutter article. You’ll see yourself there!
However, there is Useful Clutter:
Below are the very packed tight, piled high, generally alphabetical, but fabulous aisles at Bill’s Records Store ( that we visited last year, in downtown, Dallas, Texas.
The owner, Bill, has over 5,000 items listed on E-Bay! But this is his celebrated brick-and-mortar location.
Worth your visit … for those of you who collect, swap, trade, sell or drool over CDs and LPs … or if you just want a great place to perform your songs while you’re in Dallas, see the site for details.
[Photos I took in July, 2010, include the owner, Bill (left), John Braheny with T-shirt: “Listen, really listen, to the fruits of innovation, courage and rebellion,” and (right) Grady Yates, illustrious Dallas singer/songwriter and exquisite host and fun tour guide.]

Bill says he has more CDs & LPs in storage! Wow, what a Wonderland for those who love music. I’m sure those of you who tour have known of this treasure for a long, long time. We could have spent days in there finding everything we could have ever dreamed. Ah, well…
Thanks, Grady, for taking us there… OK, back to cleaning out more boxes of our own!